Friday, June 26, 2009

Assignment #2

1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

I felt like a newborn baby during the first week of my college life in MCL. The environment was new, the people were new, the smell was new and the ambience was also new to me, and I've said to myself, "What the hell is this place? I don't want to be here, lemme out of here!".

First, the travelling process was very tiring, because I live in San pedro, It is definitely a pain in the ass, but I'm getting used to it somehow. Like I was portraying, I was culture-shocked because I was having a hard time getting out from my comfort zone which is the "highschool student feeling"(Oh man, I miss highschool soo bad *sad*). The moment I stepped my foot
inside the classroom of my first subject during the first day, I felt like a naked baby that was exposed outside of its crib. But the good thing is, I've made some new friends, Cool isn't it?

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

All of my professors are very professional(of course, that's why they are called professors! duh? LOL). Most of them are fun to be with, and some of them aren't that very fun to be with *grin*. So far, I'm not having problems with them, hopefully this will flow smoothly.

3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

Aha! Our section is very weird, we are just like a bag of nips with different colors because our personalities contrast each other. There's Ricky the gamer, I love to talk with him because I'm a gamer also ^^. And there's Jhairus, my first friend in our section, he's just like an identical copy of my personality. Of course the happy-go-lucky guys, Jas, boromeo, liver-spread and the others. Being able to interact with each other is definitely a huge plus/ strength of our section. I am yet to see the weaknesses of our section in the future.

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

The courses are enjoyable, at least for now ^^. I love the IT and DAD course, because I excel at these courses in some ways. Like the DAD(Digital arts and design), I can use my 2 years experience with adobe photoshop and other adobe products and also my creative mind :D.

I find humanities a lil' bit challenging for no apparent reason, I just don't like the aura when we're having class.

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

Yes, right now I'm going through some major depressive adjustments. Unlike during highschool, I was used to have my "relaxing moments" everyday in our class. I stare at the classroom windows while daydreaming (peaceful isn't it?) but now, I had to sharpen my senses during class to have a good grade.

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